Thursday, August 15, 2013


I'm an artist. Every now and then I get the urge to write something really witty and fantastic. But not often. Mostly I write about the revelations I have, or the things that have been revealed to me - however you want to say it. Recently I did just that and shared what I'd written with a friend. She responded by enthusiastically assuring me of how encouraged she was by it, and that I should "be one of those blogger people". So here I am.

I never really got into "those blogger people" because I didn't understand how anyone could have the time to sit down and blog. What's more, who actually takes the time to sit down and read what someone else has had the time to blog about? Certainly not I, said the cat. However, I've found that writing can be therapeutic. It helps me to sort my thoughts out, and, as a matter of fact, sometimes I quite amuse myself in the process. So I've decided to blog. Because the things I find worth writing about are things I think are worth reading about as well, even though I may be the only one to ever look back over the glowing print. Then again, I might not be.

So if you find the things I say worthwhile, I appreciate your time!

Here I am.

One of those blogger people.

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